The list of our current job openings is below. Click on the link to see the position summary, key elements of the role, specific responsibilities, job requirements, and instructions on how to submit your information for consideration.
The UU Urban Ministry is seeking a highly organized and effective office administrator to support the daily activities of our nonprofit. The administrator will balance an outward facing role that includes welcoming visitors and program participants, and internal organizational tasks that help the organization run smoothly. This administrator will need to be able to take direction, and work as a cooperative and supportive team member in a diverse setting.
To apply, email your resume and a thoughtful cover letter to Shamika Harrison: sharrison@uuum.org
The Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry (UUUM) is seeking candidates for the newly created position of Community Economic Engagement Coordinator, to advance our mission to work for racial, social and economic justice in Greater Boston. The coordinator will connect community-based organizations with our resources to amplify a shared commitment to justice. We seek an independent, highly organized and creative team
player with a passion for justice, who can launch this new position with intention and focus.
To apply, email your resume and a thoughtful cover letter to Monique Marshall Veale: mveale@uuum.org
The UU Urban Ministry is seeking a Case Manager to join our emergency shelter for survivors, Renewal House program staff. Candidate must have proven experience with low income housing. The case manager provides quality case management and engagement through trauma-informed approach for domestic violence survivors and their children in our emergency shelter to achieve short-term outcomes of safety and move toward their long term goals of stable or transitional housing. The case manager promotes systemic change to improve access to services, resources, and justice for DV survivors serving as a key contact to outside agencies on participants behalf.
To apply, email your resume and a thoughtful cover letter to Marie Padilla: mpadilla@uuum.org
UUUM is seeking a part-time bus driver for the Roxbury Youth Programs after school program. The bus driver will be responsible for providing transportation for up to 30 students from the program on Mondays-Thursdays. There will be occasional requests for transportation for special events and outings during the week and on the weekends. The successful candidate will have experience driving a bus as well as working with children and must be flexible.
To apply, email your resume to Reggie Walker: rwalker@uuum.org
Renewal House (RH) staff embody a professional attitude and approach to their work with survivors through their compassionate and empathetic presence. All RH advocates have a demonstrated ability and commitment to working cross culturally and have a commitment to an anti-oppression model of advocacy. All staff team members at Renewal House are expected to have an effective communication style, the ability to multitask, and a positive attitude.
To apply or for questions, email Marie Padilla: mpadilla@uuum.org
About the Organization
The Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry (UUUM) is one of the oldest social justice organizations in the country, with an extensive volunteer program and the support of an alliance of approximately 50 Unitarian Universalist congregations in Greater Boston.